Narrow Loyalties... By Kelson Maynard
The persistence of narrow loyalties retards the struggle against global capitalism. It can lead to anarchy within the ranks of progressive forces. The very forces that once professed revolutionary ideals and ideas, become embroiled in struggle for power not against capitalism but against each other. Within the content and context of European and European American knowledge production system reason seems impossible to modify their will to power agenda. Every rule, every law, seems to be Janus faced. There is no morality, no facts, no true and false, only their will to power. In the globalized, patriarchal, heterosexual, white supremacist social and economic system, the elites who run state seems motivated by the simple impulse of the will to power. Nothing else matters. Harmony and unity among human beings and with nature is not the goal of their actions; only the acquisition of power or the maintenance of their power. These elites m...