
Showing posts from July, 2023

Narrow Loyalties... By Kelson Maynard

  The persistence of narrow loyalties retards the struggle against global capitalism.   It can lead to anarchy within the ranks of progressive forces.   The very forces that once professed revolutionary ideals and ideas, become embroiled in struggle for power not against capitalism but against each other.   Within the content and context of European and European American knowledge production system reason seems impossible to modify their will to power agenda. Every rule, every law, seems to be Janus faced.   There is no morality, no facts, no true and false, only their will to power. In the globalized, patriarchal, heterosexual, white supremacist social and economic system, the elites who run state seems motivated by the simple impulse of the will to power.   Nothing else matters.   Harmony and unity among human beings and with nature is not the goal of their actions; only the acquisition of power or the maintenance of their power. These elites manage the institutions and distrib

Gratuitous Violence Against Black Flesh... By Kelson Maynard

  In the Euro-centric hegemonically controlled world system of white supremacy Africans and their descendants in diaspora are not accorded the status of human beings.   Freedom is not a human right, it is white privilege.   Black people are used as structural instruments for the execution of White peoples’ fantasies and sadomasochistic pleasures.   The enslavement of African people by White people developed into a relationally dynamic system of white supremacy enforced through violence.   The physical and social violence perpetuated against Black people is not based on discrimination.   Rather, white racial violence against Black people serves as a sort of health tonic for White people’s maintenance of white supremacy. In the ideological system of white supremacy and the social order and process that it engenders violence against Black people is the law, not the result of law enforcement as is often assumed.   This is the foundation upon which the social structure of the United Sta

Hegemony of the Western Knowledge System... By Kelson Maynard

  It is a characteristic feature of the western knowledge production system to be hegemonic.   The knowledge system becomes so normalized that even the oppressed internalizes the knowledge as normal.   They become unconscious of the fact that knowledge is a construction.   A system of   representation influenced by a multitude of forces, all intending to perpetuate white supremacy.   Examples abound: the western knowledge system represented Africa as the dark continent- meaning that the people were ignorant, wild, primitive, unsophisticated, heathenistic.   Geographically, Africa is represented much smaller than it is.   Today, these representations still form the a priori assumptions that predicate knowledge and thinking about Africa, Africans, and their descendants.   This construction of African subjectivity as ignorant, abject, despised, is crucial to the construction of European and European descendants’ subjectivity as superiors. Another popular trope of the western knowled