They Cannot Stop the Time... By Kelson Maynard
and European-American civilization privilege the use of force and power to
achieve domination. These two ideals are
central to it. Its liberalism and
epistemology of knowledge do not challenge these ideals of force and
power. Thus, the prevalence of war and
conquest as part of their modern history of European colonialism and United
States of America imperialism.
Subscription to this ideology of war confers upon believers a sense of
community forged in the context of conflict and struggle. Heroic and violent patriotism subsumes any
notion of courtesy and civility. Resoluteness,
sacrifice, genocide, and manifest destiny are the hallmarks of this ideology of
war, in the pursuit of the maintenance of European and European-American
supremacy over Africans, Asians, Latin Americans, and Caribbeans.
our contemporary moment in the United States of America, Donald Trump has used
and is utilizing these ideals to create a community of followers and believers
whose membership is gained by adhering to the idea that the United States of
America is and must remain a country dominated by the descendants of white
Anglo-Saxons Protestant Christians and governed by the principles of white
supremacy. All others must be subordinated to their rules of subjugation
or face destruction. Their projection of strength and power is based on their
perceived loss of power, which they see as being legitimized within the
social order and process of the United States of America.
for their project- the reclamation and perpetuation of patriarchal white
supremacy- to be successful it must
appear to be inclusive of others who are the targets for domination. Some people of color in the United States of
America, subjugated by caste and class, like their sisters and brothers in the
ex-colonialized world, who have uncritically imbibed the epistemological
knowledge system of Europe and European-Americans, have become part of that community
of followers and believers.
Obama’s candidacy and election to the presidency of the United States of
America occasioned the re-radicalization of the ideals of patriarchal white
supremacy advocacy of force and power. One
manifestation of this re-radicalization was Donald Trump’s effort to delegitimize
Barak Obama’s candidacy with claims that he was not born in the United States
of America, thus disqualified to be president. Another is the legal and
extra-legal deployment of violence- both rhetorical and physical- to maintain
the utopian proposition that the United States of America is a country given to
Europeans and their descendants by their Christian god; and that their
Christian god has decreed that non-European descendant people are inferiors who
must serve them.
idea of the United States of America as a country for white people and governed
by white people is increasingly detached from concrete reality. This detachment from reality- the United
States of America is a multi-ethnic country in which patriarchal presumption of
privilege, power, and status and the white/people of color caste system is no
longer a utopian dream- is fueling the patriarchal white supremacist use of
force and power to make the United States of America what it is not. Kamala Harris and Barak Obama before her
represent what the United States of America is- a multi-ethnic country. Patriarchal
white supremacy and the white/people of color caste system is the past not the
future. The wheels of history turn
slowly. Trump and his community of
patriarchal white supremacist cannot stop it.
The thoughts and actions of people of color in the United States of
America and globally must be in concert with the destruction of patriarchal
white supremacist capitalism, its caste system, and the epistemology of
knowledge which supports it.
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